Monday, March 11, 2013

That Utilitarian Product of the 18th Century... Tinware

After a recent trip to Colonial Williamsburg and with the continuing advance on the completion of the tinsmith shop the as part of the Armory , I became interested in the sorts of tinware which were being imported into Annapolis in the late colonial period.

Once again I turned to the order books of Wallace Davidson and Johnson to give me some insight into the sorts of tinware which were being ordered to supply the stores of the late colonial Maryland as well as in private orders with Wallace Davidson and Johnson.

Examples of painted tin canisters found at the Margaret Hunter Shop in Colonial Williamsburg

Examples of painted and unpainted tin canisters and a bread grater at the Governor's Palace Kitchen in Colonial Williamsburg

Examples of scalloped pans at the Governor's Palace Kitchen in Colonial Williamsburg

Examples of tin coffee pots at Charlton's Coffee House in Cololnial Williamsburg

Reproduction tinware made by Bill McMillian and for sale at the Prentis Store in Colonial Williamsburg

(from Maryland State Archives, Chancery Court (Chancery Papers, Exhibits) Wallace, Davidson Johnson, Order Books, 1771/4/25-1775/11/16. MSA S 528-27/28)  

Order Books
25 April 1771
For Wallace Davidson and Johnson

Tin Ware
12 double sheets tin plates @ 8d
12 single ditto 4/.
12 very small pudding pans 7/.
12 larger ditto 9/.
6 nutmeg graters 9d
6 painted do 1/6
6 pocket do 1/6
18 pound tin canisters 5/.
12 half pound canisters 3/.
4 painted sugar boxes 4 sizes 4/.
12 glass chamber lamps with candlesticks 9/.
6 tin do with spouts 7/.
6 quart tin kettles 5/.
6 3 pint do 7/.
6 2 quart do 8/.
2 gallon camp do with covers 1/6
2 ½ gallon do with do 1/8
2 2 gallon do with do 2/.
2 doz quart tin pots 5/.
1 doz pint do 3/.
1 doz pepper boxes 1/8
3 horn lanthorns 1/8
3 do 2/.
2 doz cake pans 4/.
1 doz scalloped do 4/.
1 doz ¼ tt tin canisters 2/.
½ doz tinder boxes 6/.
1 doz funnels sorted 6/.
1 doz sauce pans 3/9
1 doz porringers 5/.

Order Books
25 April 1771
For Thomas Johnson

Tin Ware
1 doz small tin patty pans for tarts & hallow molds to shape the upper crusts on & marking irons to mark them
1 doz tin patty pans for cheese cakes
A tin to bake goose pie in
3 doz small tin queen cake pans
                1 doz of them round
                1 doz of them diamond
                1 doz of them hearts
1 doz tins or stone shells to scallop oysters

Order Books
25 April 1771
For Charles Wallace

Tin Ware
1 doz Naple biscuit pans to hold 6 cakes each

Order Books
4 August 1771
For Wallace Davidson and Johnson

Tin Ware
12 double sheets tin plates
12 single ditto
12 very small pudding pans
12 larger ditto
6 nutmeg graters
6 pocket do
6 painted do
18 pound tin canisters
12 half pound do
2 painted sugar boxes, 2 larger do & 2 larger do
12 glass chamber lamps with candle sticks
6 tin do with spouts
6 quart tin kettles
6 3 pint do
6 2 quart do
2 gallon camp do with covers
2 ½ gallon do with do
2 2 gallon do with do
2 doz quart tin pots
1 doz pint to
1 doz pepper boxes
3 horn lanthorns
3 do
2 doz cake pans
1 doz scalloped do
½ doz quart sauce pans, ½ doz pint do
1 doz funnels, 3 sizes

Order Books
26 Nov 1771
For Wallace Davidson and Johnson

Tin Ware
The same as sent p Williamson

Order Books
20 March 1772
For Wallace Davidson and Johnson

Tin Ware
2 doz double tin plates
2 doz single do
3 doz pudding pans sorted
3 doz nutmeg graters sorted
1 doz painted sugar boxes
1 doz chamber lamps
1 doz hanging do
24 kettles sorted
3 doz pint & quart pots
2 doz pepper boxes
6 lanthorns
12 doz single cake pans sorted
2 doz cheesecake pans
1 doz ¼ lb canisters
1 doz 1 lb do
1 doz tinder boxes
1 doz porringers
1 doz saucepans
6 overs
6 cheese toasters
6 doz naple biscuit pans 6 cakes each
1 doz tin pudding pans in the shape of half a Marsh Million with flat covers
1 doz tin colanders sorted
½ doz tin fish kettles sorted
½ doz tin fat strainers shaped like a sugar loaf
1 doz flat tin candlesticks with extinguishers

Order Books
25 March 1772
For John Davidson

Tin Ware
1 Tin Colander
1 large strong tin skimmer

Order Books
24 October 1772
For Richard Tilghman Earle (Store at Chester Mill, Queen Anne County, just east of present day Centreville)

Tin Ware
1 doz tin quarts @ 5/.
1 do pints 2/6
1 doz do quart sauce pans 5/.
1 doz do pocket graters 2/6
1 doz do pepper boxes 2/.
1 doz do flower do 3/.
1 doz do quart funnels 5/.
1 doz do best block tin ramekins 5/.
1 doz do large round patty pans 3/6
1 doz scalloped do 3/6
1 doz biscuit frames 14/.
3 doz pans sorted from 7/ to 16/.
1 doz dish candle sticks 7/.

Order Books
14 November 1772
For Wallace Davidson and Johnson for the Ship (Presumably the Kitty & Nelly)

Ship Chandlery
2 quart tin saucepans

Order Books
24 May [1773]
For Wallace Davidson and Johnson

Tin Ware
2 doz tin pudding pans sorted
4 doz nutmeg graters sorted half of the japanned
2 doz quart pots
2 doz pint do
2 doz quart & pint saucepans
6 doz pepper boxes
3 doz pound canisters
2 doz half pound do
2 doz quart & point funnels
1 doz quart black jacks
½ doz large melon pudding pans
1 doz japanned candlesticks with snuffers
1 doz painted candlesticks
½ doz egg slices
1 doz bread graters
1 doz druging boxes
3 genteel neatly japanned & painted plate warmers

Order Books
17 October 1773
For Charles Carroll of Carrolton

Tin Ware
4 best strong horn lanthorns in tin large
4 best gardeners watering pots large well painted
6 quart tin pots
12 pint do

(appears to now switch to goods for ER)

Tin Ware
2 egg slices
1 large bread rasp
2 pierced lanthorns
12 quart mugs
2 large tin pans

Order Books
12 and 24 November [1773]
For Charles Carroll of Carrolton

Tin Ware
20 good tin pound canisters

Order Books
25 December 1773
For Charles Carroll of Carrolton

Tin Ware
20 good tin pound canisters

Order Books
14 December 1773
For William Bond

1 doz funnels sorted
½ doz painted candle boxes

Order Books
21 November 1773
For Hall Gilbert & Hall

Tin Ware
1 doz tin pepper boxes 1/8
2 nests tin buckets sorted
6 quart saucepans
6 pint do
3 sugar boxes
1 doz nutmeg graters
3 tin lanthorns

Order Books

No Date [1773]

For Buchannan & Cowen


3 doz pound & ½ pound canisters 4/.

1 doz tin quart saucepans 4/6
1 doz pint do 3/.
1 doz large do 6/.
1 doz tin kettles 9/.
1 doz large do 1/.
1 doz do 1/3
½ doz cheese toasters 5/.
2 doz nutmeg graters 2/.
2 doz pepper boxes 1/9
1 doz tin lanthorns 22/.

Order Books

No Date [1773]

For Archibald Buchannan


1 doz pound canisters

1 doz ½ pound do

½ doz quart saucepans 5/
½ doz pint do 2/6
½ doz tin kettles 12/
1 doz nutmeg graters 20d
½ doz tin lanthorns 24/
½ doz small do 20/
1 doz quart pots 5/
1 doz tin milk pans 12/
1 doz do 15/
1 doz pint pots
1 doz cheese toasters
1 doz apple toasters

Order Books
No Date [1773]
For Wallace Davidson and Johnson’s Nottingham Store

2 doz pudding pans
2 doz pepper boxes
6 tin kettles sorted
1 doz quart saucepans
1 doz pint do

Order Books
19 March 1774
For Wallace Davidson and Johnson

3 doz pound canisters
2 doz half pound do

Order Books
29 September 1774
For William Bond

Tin Ware
½ doz coffee pots
1 doz tin nutmeg graters
½ doz painted sugar boxes
2 doz 1lb tea canisters
2 doz ½lb do
2 doz pepper boxes
½ doz tin lanthorns

Order Books
No Date (previously listed order is 1774)
For Wallace Davidson and Johnson

Tin Ware
2 doz double tin plates
2 doz single do
3 doz tin pudding pans well sorted
2 doz nutmeg graters half japanned
3 doz pound canisters
1 doz half pound do
2 nests painted sugar boxes
2 doz quart pots
1 doz pint do
2 doz saucepans sorted
2 doz pepper boxes
1 doz lanterns half horn
1 doz tinder boxes flints & steels
2 doz funnels quart & pint
1 doz bread graters sorted
1 doz coffee pots sorted
½ doz candle boxes
½ doz colanders

Order Books
17 November 1774
For Wallace Davidson and Johnson’s Nottingham Store ordered by Edward Botelar

Tin Ware
1 doz quart sauce pans
1 doz pint do
1 doz large pudding pans
1 doz do sorted
6 sugar boxes (plain tin)
6 do japanned
1 doz pocket graters
6 milk kettles sorted
1 doz ½ pound canisters japanned
1 doz plain do
1 doz pound do

Order Books
No Date (previously listed order is 1774)
For Wallace Davidson and Johnson’s Queen Anne Store

Tin Ware
½ doz tin lanthorns 1/8
1 doz tin pans 10/.
1 doz do 12/.
1 doz do 14/.
1 doz nutmeg graters with cases 3/.
1 doz quart tin pots 5/.
1 doz sauce pans 5/.

Order Books
No Date (previously listed order is 1774)
For Wallace Davidson and Johnson’s Pig Point Store

Tin Ware
6 quart pots 5
6 pint do 3 ½
6 quart saucepans 5
6 pint do 3 ½
1 doz japanned pocket grater 3/.
1 doz pepper boxes 1/8

Order Books
8 January 1775
For Charles Carroll of Carrolton

Tin Ware
12 quart tin pots
12 pint do

Order Books
1 August 1775
For Alexander Ogg

Tin Ware
2 doz gallon tin pans
1 doz smaller do
1 doz tin quart pots
1 doz pint do
1 doz small funnels
1 doz large do
3 doz gallon do
3 doz pepper boxes
2 doz tin quart sauce pans
1 doz do pint do
2 doz nutmeg graters

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